
मंगलवार, 31 जनवरी 2012

Two Exams Taken by Ramanujan in India

                           ''On Thursday and Friday, December 3 and 4, of 1903, Srinivasa Ramanujan, who was to become the greatest Indian mathematician in his country’s history, sat for the Matriculation Examination of Madras University . From documents recently found in the Tamil Nadu Archives, we have learned that Ramanujan obtained a Second Class place, permitting him to enter the Government College Kumbakonam in the following year with a scholarship. As is now well known, by the time he entered college, Ramanujan was totally immersed in mathematics and would not study any other subject. He thus failed his exams, except for mathematics, at the end of his first college year and lost his scholarship.''                                                            
This is an excerpt from the article " Two Exams Taken By Ramanujan In India" by the two authors and mathematicians Bruce C. Berndt and C.A. Reddi in which they have produced the complete account....................! 
To see the Full Article, click on the following link :                          

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